Business Celebration - 1 year at Group Accountability with ‘Relaxing Reflexology’

Zoë Oughton is the owner of Relaxing Reflexology, where you can enjoy the wonderfully relaxing holistic therapy of Reflexology in the comfort of your own home.

When Zoë joined my Accountability Group a year ago, she had just sold her Vintage Afternoon Tea business and wanted to ramp up her reflexology business to gain more clients. Zoë had qualified in Reflexology in 2013 but had always run this business part-time, she was very keen to keep improving her skills and had trained in Reflexology Lymph Drainage and Maternity Reflexology.

Fast forward a year and this is how Zoë’s reflexology business looks today. She has been on more training to qualify in Reflexology to aid Natural Fertility, Aromaflex and Hot Stone Reflexology. As well as being mobile, Zoë is now based above Stranz Hairdressers in Hale on Mondays and Bramhall Osteopathic Practice on Tuesdays.

She has had fantastic results with maternity reflexology and two of her natural fertility clients are now pregnant! She has been on local radio, had professional photographs taken and raised her prices.
Best of all, she has gained so many new clients that if you want to see her mobile, you now need to book 3/4 weeks in advance.

All fantastic news and it’s onwards and upwards for Zoë.

Here's what Zoë says about Group Accountability:
“I can’t tell you how much group accountability has helped me, both professionally and personally. It’s so uplifting to be able to share experiences with like-minded female business owners who encourage, support and motivate you at all times . Karen is a brilliant business mentor who supports you all the time, not just at that meeting, I couldn’t do without our lovely group accountability group “

​Find Relaxing Reflexology on their website and facebook

Karen Taylor

Karen is a Business Mentor, Website Creator and book author specialising in female owned independent business owners.

Business Celebration - 1 year at Group Accountability with ‘Sorted!’